Opening rant

Hello there......

I find myself increasingly frustrated by the stupidity around me day in and day out and so I have decided to add my little corner of spleen venting to the web.

It'll be a bit sweary from time to time so if you are of the shrinking violet persuasion then best give it a miss, it's also (probably) going to rip into a lot of things which are currently (and to me at least, unfathomably) popular, so if you like popular telly or 'celebs' who need their ego stroked to validate themselves, or just good ole fashioned give it a miss!

Do you have to agree with, do I care if you hate what you read, don't like it? Don't read it, last time I checked we still have freedom of choice, so exercise yours if you feel the need. Mercifully I don't require validation, chip in if you have something useful to add, otherwise go forth, I'm just here to vent, it makes me smile and you may get a giggle out of it too.

Oh......and if you've found your way here from our website but closed that window, then click here to get back there (if you want to that is, it's not compulsory).

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Let’s all pick a date we agree on

It can’t be that difficult, can it?

I mean supposedly you’re all getting the message from the same source, is it too much to expect that you all concur?

How many more times must I prepare my loved ones for the oncoming zombie apocalypse, only to find out that you bloody religious zealots have stuffed up……again!

It’s a hell of a chore I can tell you, the tears, recriminations and general merriment (unfounded and misplaced in my opinion) as I once again ready my underground bunker (which I hasten to add took me bloody weeks to carve out with a serving spoon, and do I get any thanks?), to withstand the massed legions of the undead and save those I hold dear from the oncoming smite-fest……and nothing happens!!!

I’m telling you, it is getting harder to convince those around me that there is any breath of sanity left in me……

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